The Eras Tour Poster

Dear Reader message written on note

Dear Reader,

Call it what you want, but there are a few tweaks to The Eras Poster that I would like to make.

While I did tolerate it, this is what I would’ve could’ve should’ve done so it hits different.

Don’t blame me, design made me crazy. If it doesn’t you ain’t doing it right. Let’s begin again...

Design Tweaks

I leaned into the Midnights era with the vintage clock behind Taylor and the clock hands about to strike Midnight… Meet Me at Midnight. By now, we’ve all come to realize that Taylor Swift is the ultimate Mastermind in the best way. I added a collage of gears turning in the background because let’s be honest, she is always 20 steps ahead of us and there are so many easter eggs that we don’t even realize are easter eggs until the new music comes out. I stuck with the vintage style of gears to match the clock style.

I also wanted the color scheme to be a hair brighter. And the one thing that has bothered me since she first released this poster design was how hard it was to read the font of “The Eras Tour” when it is small and from a distance. Phew… fixed it. Call me, Taylor!!

Taylor Swift The Eras Tour Poster Redesign

A Day in the Life of a Graphic Designer


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