Whimsical graphic design and stars with illustrated open book.

I definitely judge a book by it’s cover and wine by it’s label.

Whimsical graphic design and stars with illustrated wine bottle.

Meet Amanda

Hello and thank you for stopping by my little corner of the web! Allow me to introduce myself - I am a graphic designer located in Western Kentucky with over 13 years of experience in the design industry and a passion for all things graphic design and aesthetics. While I wear many hats as a graphic designer, my specialty lies within a colorful, creative style with a focus on typography and touches of illustrative elements.

When branding my own business I thought about what really makes me tick as a designer. It’s the point in the design process when the light bulb turns on and you have a breakthrough idea. The light bulb moment, a solution to a problem. Because that’s what design is at it’s core, problem-solving.

I take pride in my work and helping my clients shine bright! I’m always excited to transform brands and get my creative gears turning.

Whether you’re a new or established business, I’d love to hear from you and create some magic!

Amanda hand lettered bouncy script signature

Meet the Assistants

The hardest working assistants in the industry, Larry and Layla continually put in long hours in the office. Granted they might be asleep for the majority of them, but nonetheless, they are the glue, the inspiration and the motivation behind the design.

Fun Facts, Hobbies and Interests illustration icons, 13 years as graphic designer, Gryfinndor Hogwarts House, Enneagram Type 9, Adobe Illustrator, Yoga, Reading, Wine, Books and Music


I've been an avid doodler my entire life. Starting with the fat crayons in kindergarten and continuing through high school, filling all my notebooks with big bubble letters of Tim McGraw lyrics. In fact, it was my high school English teacher who encouraged me to become a graphic designer after seeing my notebooks!

Little did I know, her suggestion would sit in the back of my mind while I took all the standard classes in college, trying my best to procrastinate choosing a major. It wasn't until my advisor gave me a strict deadline (sign #2 that becoming a designer was my destiny - we work best with a deadline!) of deciding on a career path that the little suggestion I had tucked away began resurfacing. I signed up for a class to dip my toes in the design pool and became quickly enamored with all things graphic design. I dove head first into the design world and haven't stopped swimming since!